Board Meeting Minutes from 14 October 2024

Tuscany HOA Board Meeting
 October 14, 2024

Call to Order 6:59 pm by Jeanne Yazinski

In attendance:  Jeanne Yazinski, Heather Peery, Andy Horne

    Attendance Via Phone:  Dexter Blois, Mike Pastor

    Absent:  Tera Pauley

Secretary’s Report – Jeanne Yazinski

  • Minutes from last meeting on September 9, 2024 were emailed to all board members.
  • Motion to approve: Dexter Second: Heather; Minutes approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report – Dexter Blois

  • Monthly Report Balances as of Oct 31, 2024
  • Checking $3426, Savings $1035, Fidelity $32,231
  • Year to date: $12,500 transferred from savings to checking. Checking balance must be maintained at least $2000 to avoid fees.
  • Motion to Approve:  Jeanne;  Second:  Mike; Treasures report approved unanimously.
  • Budget Meeting November 4
  • Preliminary Budget Discussion; 2025 Dues 
  • Treasurer’s Notes:

Preliminary 2025 budget has been prepared based on a “Zero based” concept.  That is, the expenses have been estimated without regard for income. The preliminary total is $35,930 which includes a 5% increase in the following line items: electricity, Insurance, System and well repairs;  a 3% increase in the following line: treatment costs.

It includes the recently enacted postal rate increase to 73¢ for 1st class mailings.  We typically do 3 mailings per year.

The increase in Website Expenses should cover the expenses of our domain name and new software to allow our member directory to be posted with password access for members only.

Here are the impacts of various increases in the annual fee which is currently at $350 per unit of which there are 94:

Increase dues to $380 total = $35,720     = deficit of $210

         To $385                    = $36,190     = surplus of $260

         To $390                   = $36,660      =                 $730

         To $395                  = 37,130        =              $1,200

    To $400 (max allowed) = 37,600        =               $1,670

The above scenarios assume that all units pay, which historically is a false assumption as there are 2 units still outstanding for 2024.

      Discussion:  We took $20,000 out of the savings this year for the well.  We did that without any assessments to the residents, we need to try to build up savings again in case of any other major expenses.   If dues were raised, we are still the lowest in the area. If we get a county grant next year, we will also have to match half, so it is good to have a bit extra in the budget.

Community Oversight Report – Heather Peery

  • ARB requests – 1213 Thornbury for front door
  • Violations
    • 1573 Victoria – weeds (some taken care of but not all) ;
    • 1520 Cashiers – vines growing up the side of the house;
    • 1607 Malcolm Point -tree damage;
    • 1648 Victoria – Dead tree needs removal and fence needs repair
  • Yard of month:  The Radfords, 1213Thornbury
  • Hole from irrigation repair near the back of the wall by the pond – Kent Horsley donated dirt and our landscapers put sod on it so that the hole is repaired

New HOA Regulations- Updates

Dexter emailed all residents instructions to view the CC & R’s and other documents on the Tuscany HOA website, according to the new state regulations.  Nine residents had incorrect emails and 2 unknown emails, so Dexter mailed the instructions to those residents.

Classes for certification.  Dexter will look up and email to board members of class dates.

October Yard Sale- Saturday, October 5 : 6 participants.  Discussion:  One yard sale a year is enough since there were so few participating; residents can have one on their own if they want another.

Old Business- none

New Business- none

Next meeting date – Budget Meeting – November 4, 7 pm, 1678 Victoria Way.  Residents welcome.

Motion to adjourn at 7:24 pm by Dexter; Second: Andy.  All approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeanne Yazinski, Secretary Pro-Tem

The mission of the Tuscany Homeowners Association is: To institute and enforce rules, regulations and legal restrictions designed to ensure that the Tuscany neighborhood is a safe, attractive and desirable community where property values and resident satisfaction are maximized.