Board Meeting Minutes from 9 September 2024

Tuscany HOA Board Meeting
 September 9, 2024

(On-Site Meeting at 1678 Victoria Way
Jeanne Yazinski’s House)

Board Member Attendees: Jeanne Yazinski (President), Andy Horne (Vice President). Dexter Blois-By Phone (Treasurer), Mike Pastor (Secretary), Heather Peery (Community Oversight Chair), Tera Pauley.

Board Members Absent: None.

We now have a vacant Board Member position due to Matt Gillis’ resignation and departure from Tuscany.

Resident Attendees: None

Jeanne called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM. This meeting was audio recorded by Mike to aid minutes preparation.

Secretary’s Report

        Mike sent the August Minutes via e-mail to the Board Members Sunday PM, 09/08/24. Dexter moved that we accept the Minutes and Jeanne seconded the motion.  It was unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report

        Account Balances, as of August 31, 2024, were:

Checking $3,529.34
Savings: $2,535.26
Fidelity: $32,231.25 (Money Market)

  • Two homeowners have not yet paid the 2024 dues.  A statement is sent monthly including the unpaid balance interest.  We cannot charge compounded interest anymore, only simple interest.
  • Two income estoppel fees of $300 are pending for future sales. One was received in September and will be reflected in the September Treasurer report for the sale of Matt & Millie Gillis’ house (1674 Victoria).  The second pending hasn’t sold at 1623 Walkerton Ct.
  • Dexter previously clarified the transfers from Savings to Checking for 2024.
  • Dexter anticipates budgeted expenses for September thru December 31, 2024 to be about $5,000 and expects to transfer funds as necessary from the Fidelity money market account to avoid falling below the minimum balance requirement for our checking and savings accounts.
  • So far this year, we’ve earned $1,845 in interest on the money we put into the Fidelity account last year.
  • Mike made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Andy seconded it.  The Board unanimously approved it.

ARB-Architectural Review Board Co-Chair: Jeanne made a motion to appoint Cindy Love as the Co-Chairperson of the ARB retroactively back to July 1, 2024. Dexter seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved it.

Community Oversight Committee’s Report

Yard of the Month: 1627 Charlemagne Ct – The Zuk’s (John & Leslie)

ARB Requests:
1603 High Hampton Ct – House Painting
1527 Hawkesbury Ct – New Roof (getting installed this week)
1504 Cashiers Dr – A new Fence

CC&R Violations: 

1551 Victoria Wy – Vines & Pressure Washing.
1573 Victoria Wy – Weeds.
1637 Malcolm Pt – Weeds.
1504 Cashiers Dr - Fence

Water Drainage Pipe - near our hedge that goes under Fullers Cross Rd (overflow from our retention pond to the natural runoff ditch and ultimately to Lake Apopka) broke that caused a hole under our sidewalk.  The City of Winter Garden chose to patch the broken pipe.  Hopefully it will hold.

Drain behind 1656 Victoria - Takes runoff from the horse property - is blocked and standing water is very deep.  Heather called the City of Winter Garden and they referred it to the Fire Department to clear.

T-Intersection at Victoria Way and Thornbury - Retains a lot of water due to a low spot that occurred when our streets were repaved this year.  The City of Winter Garden has been notified and Heather reminds them every chance she gets and will continue to do so.

Irrigation Pump Overflow Issue: - A large hole developed at the site of the pump.  The irrigation company determined the pump overflow just spews out at the site of the pump.  A quote of $450 to install a pipe to drain the overflow into the pond was received.  Dexter suggested to determine the cost to just feed the overflow into the line for the pond re-fill pipe.  We aren’t currently using the re-fill since it’s just a contingency for potential drought.

New County Neighborhood Improvement Grant Heather suggested we apply for money to re-do revamp our Hedge, Irrigation & Mulch to improve the drainage from the houses that back up to the hedge.  Heather suggests we find landscape vendors already pre-approved by Orange County.

Tree Debris Hanging over neighbors - Some neighbors have raised concerns.  Dexter will look into the CC&Rs for anything addressing this.

Old Business

        Metronet – Fiber installation has completed. Mike got an update when he called Metronet to find a best guess when service may be available and was told mid-Winter 2025 (January or February 2025).  Any homeowner with installation related issues (grass, irrigation, etc.) need to submit a ticket. Tuscany shrubs up front that were damaged have been reported and are pending resolution. 

          New H.O.A Board Certification Regulations:

  • Director Education Requirements training.  The statute states:
    • required upon election within 90 days must submit and every 4 years thereafter
    • To include financial literacy and transparency, recordkeeping, levying of fines, notice of meeting requirements.
    • Training is valid for 4 years
    • Must be re-taken every 4 years.
  • Many supposed course providers have not responded to Dexter’s inquiries. Or did not know why they were on the State of Florida’s list.  Dexter is registered for two courses: Updates on the Law (tomorrow) and a Certification Course but unsure if the State has approved.  Jeanne and Heather signed up for a Update of the Law and will attend in Ocoee on 09/24/24.

Yard Sale - October 5th Fall neighborhood Yard Sale.

New Business

  • 2025 Budget Dexter will factor in an estimate of inflation/cost of living and draft a proposed budget for the next meeting.  We need to finalize it and vote on it in November.

Adjournment – Jeanne moved we adjourn, Andy seconded it. All Board Members agreed. The meeting adjourned at 7:38 PM.

The next H.O.A. Board Meeting will be held on Monday, 10/14/24 at 7:00 PM, at 1678 Victoria Way (Jeanne Yazinski’s House)

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Pastor, Secretary

The mission of the Tuscany Homeowners Association is: To institute and enforce rules, regulations and legal restrictions designed to ensure that the Tuscany neighborhood is a safe, attractive and desirable community where property values and resident satisfaction are maximized.