Board Meeting Minutes from 5 August 2024

Tuscany HOA Board Meeting
 August 5, 2024

(On-Site Meeting at 1678 Victoria Way
Jeanne Yazinski’s House)

Board Member AttendeesJeanne Yazinski (President), Dexter Blois-By Phone (Treasurer), Mike Pastor (Secretary), Heather Peery (Community Oversight Chair), Matt Gillis, Tera Pauley.

Board Members Absent: Andy Horne (Vice President).

Resident Attendees: None

Jeanne called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. This meeting was audio recorded by Mike to aid minutes preparation.

Secretary’s Report

        Mike sent the June Minutes via e-mail to the Board Members Sunday PM, 07/07/24. Dexter moved that we accept the Minutes and Heather seconded the motion.  It was unanimously approved.  There was no HOA Board Meeting in July.

Treasurer’s Report

        Account Balances, as of July 31, 2024, were:

Checking $2,050.48
Savings: $5,535.23
Fidelity: $32,095.96 (Money Market)

·In June, a transfer from Savings to Checking of $3,000.  No funds were transferred in July from Savings.  The “unbudgeted & necessary” well expenses came to $20,915 (drilling the new well, capping the old well, excluding connection to the irrigation system) was paid in April. Funds will be transferred to checking as necessary to pay operating expenses.  This way we can avoid levying a special assessment for that unplanned capital expense.

·So far, this year, we’ve earned $2,020.56 in interest on the additional savings that was put into the Fidelity Money Market account last year.

·Two homeowners have not yet paid the 2024 dues.  A statement is sent monthly including the unpaid balance interest.  We cannot charge compounded interest anymore, only simple interest.

·Jeanne made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Mike seconded it.  The Board unanimously approved it.

Community Oversight Committee’s Report

Yard of the Month: 1679 Victoria Way – The Horsley’s (Donna & Kent)


1512 Cashiers – Build-up of leaves has plants growing in it.
1504 Cashiers – 2nd notice for fence repair – Driveway cleaning as taken care of.

ARB Requests:
*1218 Thornbury Tree Removal
*1508 Cashiers House & Pool Addition – Pending City Variance Committee – Jeanne asked our attorney about the requirements, and he suggested we request more information from the residents.  The addition will come off the side and rear of the house and will add a pool.  The ARB Request was approved, and the city needs to approve the plans, too.  The attorney fee for the phone call and their review of the HOA documents (3 hours for $550).
*1524 Cashiers Minor Landscaping

New Committee Member: - Cindy Love volunteered to help. Thank you, Cindy

·ARB Requests - As the requests are received, she contacts the homeowner to understand the requests and confers with Heather to decide the approval/denial. 

·Monthly Drive-Around Inspections – Is joining Heather to conduct these.

Irrigation Pump Overflow Issue: - A large hole has developed at the site of the pump.  The irrigation company is coming out tomorrow to determine what & why.  In the meantime, Heather picked up sandbags to fill in the hole(s) once resolved.

Old Business

        Metronet – Fiber installation has begun, and damage discovered at that time will be repaired right away.  The City of Winter Garden is only approving 6,000 feet at a time.

          New H.O.A regulations:

·Violations for trash cans left out-No longer a violation

·HOA Board Members ethics (upstanding citizens), criminal penalties for accepting kickbacks

·Director Education Requirements training.  The statute states:

o   required upon election within 90 days must submit and every 4 years thereafter

o   To include financial literacy and transparency, record keeping, levying of fines, notice of meeting requirements.

o   Training is valid for 4 years

o   Must be re-taken every 4 years.

·Discussion centered around an expectation of a fee for the training, but the details are not known at this time.

·Fee – Also Unknown

Yard Sale - October 5,   Fall neighborhood Yard Sale.

New Business

·Tuscany HOA website

o   Currently hosted at

o   Dexter has been maintaining it and it is very cumbersome and difficult to maintain.

o   Dexter has been looking at alternatives to maintain it

o   Suggested including a Members Only Directory to limit and restrict access to contact information that is maintained by a HOA Board Member and notify homeowners and allow them to Opt Out.

o   Think about this new strategy and we will discuss this in future meetings.

·Matt Gillis will resign his position on the Board considering his impending home sale and relocation.  He will send an e-mail to officially resign.

Adjournment – Heather moved we adjourn, Tera seconded it. All Board Members agreed. The meeting adjourned at 7:38 PM.

The next H.O.A. Board Meeting will be held on Monday, 09/09/24 at 7:00 PM, at 1678 Victoria Way (Jeanne Yazinski’s House)

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Pastor, Secretary

The mission of the Tuscany Homeowners Association is: To institute and enforce rules, regulations and legal restrictions designed to ensure that the Tuscany neighborhood is a safe, attractive and desirable community where property values and resident satisfaction are maximized.