Board Meeting Minutes from 10 October 2022

(On-Site Meeting at 1630 Victoria Way)

Board Member Attendees: Sandra Wilt, Mike Pastor, Dexter Blois (by phone), Heather Peery, Jeanne Yazinski, Matt Gillis.

Board Members Absent: Monica Lepp, Tera Pauley.

Resident Attendees: None

  1. This meeting was called to order by Sandra Wilt, President, at 6:58 PM.  This meeting was audio recorded by Mike to aid minutes preparation.
  2. The September Meeting Minutes of the H.O.A. Board were approved following a motion by Dexter which was seconded by Sandra and unanimous vote.
  1. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Dexter distributed the treasurer’s reports via e-mail on October 2, 2022 of income & expenses through September 30, 2022.
    2. Checking Account Balance was $19,409 (as of 9/30).
    3. Savings Account Balance was $43,529 (as of 9/30).
    4. Chronologically through 9/30 we are 93% of the way through revenue for the year and 98.5% of expenses.  The difference is due to $1,200 of unbudgeted estoppel revenue for home sales.  (Since we have no way to know if, and how many, homes might sell in a year, we don’t budget for this)
    5. Sandra made a motion to accept the September Treasurer’s Report, Mike seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved.
    6. The proposed 2023 budget that Dexter also emailed on 10/02/22 was discussed.  He suggested dues be increased from $300 to $325 per year.  Dues have not changed for 4 years while costs have increased each year.  We expect electricity, insurance to increase significantly and we know postage has increased.
    7. Dexter made a motion to increase the dues from $300 to $325 for 2023 and Sandra seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved.
    8. Jeanne made a motion to accept the Proposed 2023 Budget and Sandra seconded it, and a vote of the board members unanimously approved it.
    9. The End of Year letter, the newly approved Budget and the invoice to pay the dues will be sent at the end of December due on January 1, 2023, with late fee and interest for any payments February 1st.
  2. Community Oversight Committee – Heather Peery

Yard of the Month

1626 Victoria Way to Sheila and Don Kress

ARB (Architectural Review Board) Requests Received & Approved:

1500 Victoria Way – Front door and mailbox repaint
1212 Thornbury Ct – House repaint

Current Violations:

1551 Victoria Way – 2nd requested previously sent for sidewalk/driveway cleaning/pressure wash and general landscape clean-up. A certified letter to be sent is next.

1609 High Hampton Ct – Portable Basketball Hoop in the driveway.  This was a previous violation that was resolved and is in violation again.

Convening the Fines Committee for both these violations will be deferred until November.

The irrigation system is a mess.  Heather has seen too many broken pipes and he is coming back tomorrow.  More information to be reported later.

The Retention Pond was just treated in October for algae and weeds, weeds are still present and they’re coming back to retreat.

Landscaping – All the snake plants were removed from around the crepe myrtle.  Pollinator plants were planted at the front entrance in locations best suited to sun exposure.  A trumpet tree was donated.

The four dead pine trees are getting removed next Monday 10/17, he’s also going to remove the tree weed behind Stacy Radford’s house and two broken philodendrons.  All were included in the quote previously received.

Southern Environmental will charge an additional $400 to remove 3 palms that have gotten too tall for a bucket or ladder to reach them. We’ve budgeted $1,500 for trees and have spent $450 of that already.  If we get this all done next week, we will go $4,400 over budget, but it will cost even more to wait and get them taken out later since equipment and a truck will be required again.  If need be, we’ll transfer money from the savings account.  Jeanne made a motion to get all this done now and avoid additional costs next year.  Mike seconded the motion.  It was approved unanimously.


  1. Revised Tuscany Directory
    NOT DISCUSSED.  Don Kress and Sandra will work together to update and print a revised neighborhood directory so it can get distributed by the end of the year. (carried forward from September)
  2. County Grant (Add Aerator to Pond)
  1. The grant application was amended to include a $1,800 increase in a bid that was previously received.  Dexter discovered registration with the Orange County Neighborhood Grant Directory is required annually.  He submitted the required 2022 registration form.   
  1. The grant application deadline is October 13 and the committee will decide which applications to approve to present to the commissioners on November 10th.
  2. The Orange County Board of Commissioners are scheduled to vote on the Neighborhood Improvement Grants on December 1st.
  1. Community Yard Sale
  1. The Community Yard Sale is still on track for October 22 from 8 am-1pm.


  1. None

Adjournment – Jeanne moved we adjourn, Matt seconded it.  Sandra adjourned the meeting at 7:29 PM.

Next Board Meeting is scheduled on Monday, November 14 at 7:00 PM. at Sandra Wilt’s house at 1630 Victoria Way.

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