Board Meeting Minutes from 9 May 2022

(On-Site Meeting at 1630 Victoria Way)

Board Member Attendees: Sandra Wilt, Mike Pastor, Dexter Blois (by phone), Heather Peery, Tera Pauley (by phone), Monica Lepp, Matt Gillis.

Board Members Absent: Jeanne Yazinski

  1. This meeting was called to order by Sandra Wilt, President, at 6:57 PM.  This meeting was audio recorded by Mike to aid minutes preparation.
  2. April Meeting Minutes of the H.O.A. Board
    1. Dexter made a motion to accept the April 19, 2022, Monthly Board Meeting Minutes as modified and distributed via e-mail.  Heather seconded his motion.  The board members voted and approved the motion unanimously. 
    2. Dexter made a motion to accept the April 11, 2022, Annual Homeowners Meeting Minutes as distributed via e-mail.  Heather seconded his motion.  The board members voted and approved the motion unanimously. 
  1. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Dexter distributed the treasurer’s report via e-mail on May 1, 2022 of income and expenses through April 30, 2022.
    2. Checking Account Balance is $33,004.
    3. Savings Account Balance is $43,526.
    4. Dexter indicated our insurance expenses are about $1,000 more than last year as he stated at the annual meeting.  No explicit explanation has been received but is likely due to the inflationary factors and our recent lightening damage claim.  Many insurance companies are no longer writing policies in Florida.
    5. Expenses are currently 46% of our annualized budget.  Many are prepaid for the year. Estoppel fees income will offset many of the expense increases this year.  We don’t budget any amount for this revenue, since we cannot guarantee how many will be received in any year.
    6. Sandra received a letter from the mini storage is going up to $66.72 effective June 9, 2022, which is about a 10% increase.
    7. Sandra made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, Mike seconded it and a vote of the board members unanimously approved it.
Community Oversight Committee – Heather Peery

  1. ARB (Architectural Review Board) Requests Received & Approved:


Current Violations:

            1609 High Hampton – Basketball hoop in           driveway (2nd notice issued)


  • Yard of the Month was awarded to Tom & Anne Blastic
  • Last gift card was issued to her, and Heather will be buying more gift cards for the remainder of the year.
  • Discussion was held regarding some palm trees in need of trimming. No notices issued though.  None are over sidewalks or against the houses.


  1. County Grant (Add Aerator to Pond)
  1. A third potential provider had questions before preparing their quote and indicated they might recommend solar to power the compressor for the aerator.  Heather will meet with him to answer questions and insure proposed solution will meet our needs.
  1. Dexter made a motion to authorize the board to apply for an Orange County Neighborhood Improvement Grant to add aeration to the pond.  Heather seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously by the Board Members.
  1. Dexter made another motion for the H.O.A. to authorize to spend up to $4,000 to add pond aeration system to match the county grant.  Sandra seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously by the Board Members.
  1. Upcoming Meetings – Summer meetings 07-05-22 and 09-12-2022
  1. Adjournment – Sandra adjourned the meeting at 7:20 PM.

    Next Board Meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, July 5th at 7:00 PM. at Sandra Wilt’s Back Porch at 1630 Victoria Way.

These minutes must be signed and notarized in compliance with the Orange County Neighborhood Improvement Grant application.

Respectfully submitted,


Michael Pastor, Secretary

State of Florida

County of Orange, ss

Then appeared before me Michael Pastor, personally known to me, who swore, under the pains and penalty of perjury, that the above statement is true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and belief.

__________________________________ My Commission expires: ________________________
Notary Public


Next Board Meeting is scheduled on Monday, July 5th at 7:00 PM. at Sandra Wilt’s Back Porch at 1630 Victoria Way.

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