Board Meeting Minutes from 19 April 2022

Tuscany HOA Monthly Board Meeting
April 19, 2022

(On-Site Meeting at 1630 Victoria Way)

Board Member Attendees: Sandra Wilt, Dexter Blois, Mike Pastor, Heather Peery, Monica Lepp, Matt Gillis, Tera Pauley.

Board Members Absent: Jeanne Yazinski

  1. This meeting was called to order by Sandra Wilt, President, at 7:00 PM.  This meeting was audio recorded by Mike to aid minutes’ preparation.
  2. Elect Officers of the H.O.A. Board
    1. Dexter Blois agreed to continue to be the treasurer.
    2. Mike Pastor agreed to continue to be the secretary.
    3. Sandra Wilt agreed to continue to be president until their new house is completed and they move in the Fall or Winter.
    4. Tera Pauley agreed to become the vice president.
    5. Heather Peery agreed to continue as the Community Oversight Committee. (Jeanne has volunteered to go around the neighborhood with Heather to identify any CCR violations).

      Dexter made a motion to accept the above list of volunteers to the positions indicated, Mike seconded it and a vote of the board members unanimously approved them.
  1. Community Oversight Committee – Heather Peery

    ARB (Architectural Review Board) Requests Received & Approved:

1673 Victoria Way – House painting
1643 Malcolm Pointe Dr – Add gutters
1212 Thornbury Ct – Pavers for driveway

Current Violations:

1609 High Hampton – Basketball hoop in driveway

  1. Revise Neighborhood Directory – Sandra will work with Don Kress to revise the directory.
  2. Adjournment – Sandra adjourned the meeting at 7:23 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Pastor, Secretary

Next Board Meeting is scheduled on Monday, May 9th at 7:00 PM. at Sandra Wilt’s Back Porch at 1630 Victoria Way.

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