Annual Meeting Minutes from 11 April 2022

Tuscany HOA Annual Homeowner Meeting
April 11, 2022

(On-Site Meeting at Cornerstone Community Church)

Board Member Attendees: Sandra Wilt (Pres), Randy Mears (VP), Dexter Blois (Treas.), Mike Pastor (Sec), Heather Peery (Community Oversight Chairperson)

Board Members Absent: Stephen Jones, David Weakley

  1. This meeting was called to order by Sandra Wilt, President, at 7:00 PM.  This meeting was audio recorded by Mike to aid minutes’ preparation.
  1. Sandra told us about the new homeowners (some in attendance, some were not) and Homeowner Attendees introduced themselves.  Sandra introduced the current Board Officers (Sandra is our President, Randy-Vice President, Dexter-Treasurer, Mike-Secretary, Heather-Community Oversight Committee Chairperson).
  1. Treasurer Recap
    1. Dexter reported we ended 2021 in good shape financially. A formal year end Budget Report was distributed with the newsletter in February.
    2. Dues have held steady at $300 since 2019.  Due to recent price increases/inflation it is likely dues will have to increase for the next year in 2023.  Main expenses include insurance on the wall and pond, common area lawn and pond maintenance which reflects nicely for the entire neighborhood.
    3. Orange County Neighborhood Improvement Grant:  Three years ago we installed a Tuscany sign on the entry wall that never had a sign.  Since the contractor was unable to match the background of the original/existing sign, they installed two new matching signs at the original price of just one sign.
    4. The county grants can only be applied for every other year.
    5. Last year we applied for and were awarded a grant to re-landscape the front entrance, however there were no county approved vendors available to do the actual work.  The H.O.A. opted to use available funds to pay for and do the work without use of the grant. 
    6. Our new pond maintenance service provider (herbicide, weed control, algaecide) recommended we add more aeration to better control and reduce algae and weeds.  We will apply for a 2022 County Grant to assist with this project.
    7. The county grants are for matching funds, for example if they award $1,500, we pay that amount and the county also pays that amount whatever they approve and the proposal cost.
  1. Changes to Various Service Providers: Lawn Maintenance (changed from Lagos Lawn Maintenance to Southern Environmental Services) with better service for the same price, pond maintenance was changed to Sorco, continued the contract with Hurst Lawn & Ornamental for lawn weeds and pests.
  1. Lending Library was installed in 2021 for free use by residents and books for all ages have been donated and are rotated periodically.  Feel free to borrow and donate books.
  1. Community Oversight – No major issues, all looking good.  We all need to keep an eye on the sidewalks and driveways for mold & mildew.  An alternative to pressure washing is a product called Wet & Forget from the home improvement stores and online.
  1. Pollinator Project
    ▪ Ten Tuscany homeowners are members of the Winter Garden Bloom & Grow Garden Society
    ▪ Jeanne Yazinski told us about the society’s effort to follow the national Pollinator Power Project
    ▪ The Bloom & Grow Garden Society’s big fundraiser Spring Fever in the Garden supports the West Orange Community through scholarships for local colleges for horticulture & agriculture, school gardens, learning gardens, butterfly gardens, other non-profits (such as Oakland Nature Preserve).
    ▪ The society is following Pollinator Power mission “Inspiring individuals, community groups and institutions to create more pollinator habitats through sustainable gardening practices, habitat creation and conservation”.
    ▪ They’ve already donated 20 plants and gardening material and monarch material to 7 schools.
    ▪ If you’d like to receive free information via e-mail, local plant sources let Jeanne know
    ▪ They also provide free advice for yard specific ideas also let her know.
    ▪ Jeanne and Dr. Becky from the Bloom & Grow Society freely offer advice and assistance to individuals interested learning more and support  this national effort.
    ▪ Goal is to influence and help plant 500 acres of pollinator gardens over each of the next 5 years.
  2. Some 2022 Activities: Neighborhood Yard Sale anticipated in the Fall, Women’s Club activities planned, an updated Tuscany Directory will be prepared among other endeavors. 

    Our private Tuscany Facebook page is the perfect place to keep abreast of activities and information about, and in, Tuscany.  If you’re not already a member of this “members-only” private FB group, consider becoming one today.  Search for Tuscany Neighborhood (there are many across the country) or click (or go to — Ours is the only one with a photo of our front entry wall & sign. If you’re not already a member, an invitation request can be submitted to allow you access.
  • Board member volunteers and election ▪ Sandra Wilt ▪ Dexter Blois              ▪ Matt Gillis      ▪ Mike Pastor             ▪ Jeanne Yazinski         ▪ Tera Pauley      ▪ Heather Peery         ▪ Monica Lepp
  • Homeowner attendees voted unanimously to approve the slate of volunteers to become H.O.A. Board Members.
  1. Dryer Vent Cleaning Inquiry -- A homeowner asked about information she was anticipating about dryer vent cleaning service providers.  Dexter indicated a company had recently handed out flyers and he would get the information and post it on the Tuscany Facebook page.
  1. Adjournment – Sandra adjourned this meeting at 7:38 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Pastor, Secretary

Next Board Meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, April 19th at 7:00 PM. at Sandra Wilt’s Back Porch at 1630 Victoria Way to elect officers for the newly elected Board.

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