Board Meeting Minutes from May 24, 2021

Tuscany HOA Monthly Board Meeting
May 24, 2021

(via Skype call-in virtual meeting)

Board Member Attendees: Andrew Horne (President), Randy Mears (VP), Dexter Blois (Treas), Mike Pastor (Sec), Heather Peery (Community Oversight Chairperson), Stephen Jones, David Weakley

Board Members Absent: None

Resident Attendees: Sandra Wilt

Originally, a May meeting was not planned/scheduled due to expected minimal HOA business to conduct.  The grant application for front entry funding needed to be approved to meet upcoming application deadline by Orange County so today’s meeting was scheduled.

  1. This meeting was called to order by Andrew Horne, President, at 7:01 PM (this Skype meeting was recorded to aid in preparing meeting minutes)
  1. Community Oversight Committee (Heather Peery, Committee Chairperson)
    1. Heather recommended Yard of the Month be awarded to 1643 Malcolm Pointe (corner lot).  It was agreed to by the Board.
    2. Retention Pond – Heather has called about the pond two times and has not received a call back.  The pond looked better briefly, but the algae bloom is back, which has happened in the past when rainfall is infrequent, and temperatures rise.  She will call our pond service company again.
  1. Treasurer’s report prepared by Dexter Blois, Treasurer. 
  1. Orange County Neighborhood Improvement Grant – Application to improve/replace entry landscaping is being finalized to submit.  The grant allows a maximum of $3500, of which the county will pay 50% to a maximum of $1750.  Any work that exceeds $3500, will be the Tuscany HOA’s responsibility 100%.  Proposals have been received ranging from $3,500 to $5,000.  Sandra is working with the contractors for the proposals.
  1. Andrew made a motion to allocate $1,750.00 toward the HOA’s 50%
  2. Heather seconded the motion.
  3. The Board voted and approved this funding unanimously.
  1. We’ve spent $8,528.90 Year-to-Date, from 01/01/2021/ to 04/30/2021, with $20,471.10 budgeted, but not yet spent.
  1. Checking Account balance:  Current balance is $29,046.65.
    Savings Account balance: Current balance is $43,517.24.  These balances exclude the two late dues payments received recently.  One homeowner still has not yet paid the annual 2021 dues and a late fee and interest are being accrued.

  1. Estoppel: Dexter questioned if the approach of the estoppel fee getting pai to the Tuscany H.O.A. at closing makes sense since the paperwork must be prepared and submitted to the closing agent prior to closing and we should be paid regardless of whether the closing takes place, as anticipated, or not.  It seems that the estoppel notice should not be issued until the fee is paid. Discussion of this will be continued at the next board meeting. Attorneys that Dexter and Andy know will be asked, too.
  1. New Business
    1. Randy asked about the house next door to him at 1200 Thornberry Ct.  Heather has spoken to the new owner; he’s retired military and he is still in NY and will be residing here permanently beginning in September.  Family members are checking on the property for him.  She got them to pay their HOA Dues. Half the hedges have been trimmed.  If the other half are not trimmed, a notice will be issued.
    2. Heather asked who is checking the HOA’s email and Dexter said he is.

This meeting was adjourned at 7:22 PM.

Next meeting date/time was not mentioned and will be posted and communicated when it gets scheduled.

These minutes must be signed and notarized in compliance with the Orange County Neighborhood Improvement Grant application.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Pastor, Secretary

The mission of the Tuscany Homeowners Association is: To institute and enforce rules, regulations and legal restrictions designed to ensure that the Tuscany neighborhood is a safe, attractive and desirable community where property values and resident satisfaction are maximized.