Board Meeting Minutes from February 8, 2021

Tuscany HOA Monthly Board Meeting
February 08, 2021

(via Skype call-in virtual meeting)

Board Member Attendees: Stephen Jones, Jeanne Yazinski, Andrew Horne, Larry Ort, Mike Pastor

Board Member Absent: Monica Lepp and Randy Mears

Resident Attendees: Sandra Wilt, Dexter Blois, Heather Peery

  1. Meeting called to order by Stephen Jones, President, at 7:05 PM (this Skype meeting was recorded to aid in preparing meeting minutes)
  1. Meetings of January 11, 2020 Board Meeting
  1. Motion to accept the minutes was made by Stephen and Jeanne seconded it.  It was approved unanimously.
  1. Treasurer’s report prepared by Monica Lepp and read by Stephen. 
  1. Checking Account balance:  Current balance is $37,027.90 (last month was $39,479.97).
  2. Savings Account balance: Current balance is $43,515.10 (last month it was $43,514.42).
  3. Outstanding HOA Dues for 2021: There are currently 5 households that have outstanding invoices for dues. A $25 late fee has been applied to their account and invoices were mailed out on February 3, 2021.
  4. Lightning Insurance Reimbursement: At the end of fiscal year 2020, there was $3,156.01 left in the insurance reimbursement account for repair payments to vendors. The HOA received another check for $7,244.68 at the end of January for estimated repairs related to the pump. One invoice for $5,156.35 has been paid out to Water Systems Irrigation for the electrical repairs related to the pump. More invoices are expected. The Board spoke last month about using some of the expected remainder to replace the mulch around the HOA when the work is fully completed.
  5. HOA Insurance: The invoice for insurance with ABNEY Insurance Agency/Bakers Insurance Group/First Community Insurance Company for $1,444 total premium for coverage from 3/5/2021 to 3/5/2022 has been paid in full.
  6. Absolute Surety: The insurance bond premium for the HOA Board Members was paid in full for a bond set to expire on 5/17/2022. According to Past President Sandra Wilt, carrying this coverage was voted on years ago no board action was needed - just payment.  The contact person was changed to Stephen Jones and the email address was changed to
  7. Hurst Lawn and Ornamental: The treasurer asked for and received an invoice for a one-time annual payment for service and it was paid in full for $1,944.
  1. ARB Review - Larry Ort, Community Oversight Committee  
  1. ARB Requests Received and Approved:
  1. 1600 Malcolm Pt – Install front porch screen enclosure.
  2. 1500 Cashiers – Install front porch screen enclosure.
  3. 1613 Walkerton – Landscape between home & sidewalk.
  4. 1516 Cashiers – Replace Roof.
  5. 1516 Cashiers – Install pool & pool enclosure.
  1. Prior Month “Non” Violations: None in January. Acorns continue to fall and have created issues for sidewalks and driveways.  A number of roofs need to be cleaned, too. Since several homes require specialized cleaning, the committee has refrained from issuing Requests/Violations for January 2021.
  2. Lawn of the Month – Not Presented in January
  1. Entrance wall lights staying on during the day. Complaint dated 12/08/2020.  Larry installed a new photoelectric sensor.  Larry had purchased a wall timer & miscellaneous supplies for entrance wall lights.  Update As of: 02-08-2021 These purchased items were returned.  Larry obtained a quote to get the panel breaker electrical box cleaned up and reworked and to install a mechanical timer from Bright Future Electric. They said it could last for a year or two or fail sooner.  They quoted $2,640 to replace & install.  The board members discussed and decided to wait and do this work when it becomes necessary.  COMPLETE
  1. Entry Mulch: $660 for mulch for Ivan to provide the mulch and his labor 12/02/20.  Another quote was requested from another provider but was never provided.  We already pay Ivan labor to spread mulch in his existing service agreement, and just need to buy the mulch material.
  1. Larry forwarded a revised Notice of Violation Form to all board members via text message.  This was reviewed and approved.
  1. A motion was made by Jeanne to apply for another Orange County Neighborhood Improvement grant to beautify the front entry to Tuscany.  Andrew seconded it and it was approved unanimously.
  1. Another motion was made to delay mulching the front entry to see if the grant can be pursued that might include mulch for the entry portions.  Seconded by Andrew and approved unanimously.


i. Lightning Strike Repairs (presented by Jeanne):

  1. Work continuing on underground wiring.  They’ve completed most of it from Chris Zorn’s to the corner and under the street, but they’re having delays getting all the wiring supply timely.  It is expected to come in today and should be finished very soon. 
  2. We received the final reimbursement check from the insurance claim.
  3. We haven’t received the last invoice for $6,200 to replace all the irrigation pipes along the wall.  This was previously approved by the Board to fix the irrigation system before we had the lightening strike.
  4. Insurance ended up covering a large portion of this since the lightening damage resulted in repair related digging in that area.
  1. We have about $5,224 in unspent insurance claim reimbursement and that final bill is expected to be that $6,200.
  1. Everything ended up being paid by insurance, less our $1,000 deductible.  The wiring and new pump that were 25+ years old were also replaced, too.
  1. The irrigation control on the West side, whose cover looks like an upside down pail, was never connected to the wiring (why, is unknown) and was battery operated.  That will be properly connected to the wiring and replaced by a flat cover plate on both sides.
  1. The irrigation pipe work will need to be tested when all the wiring is finalized.  The mulch should not replaced until that is completed in case they need to re-do any pipe work.
  1. The irrigation contractor will also give us an estimate to install new irrigation piping to replace the never-ending repairs to those along the street along the pond.  He’s recommending they be re-routed closer to the sidewalk (away from the street) and it’ll have to be considered by the Board in the future.
  1. Uneven sidewalk concerns.  After the City of Winter Garden was notified about uneven sidewalks, a lot of areas were repaired (ground) already.  The sections of sidewalks marked by cones and orange X’s will get replaced, but the timing is unknown.
  2. Last month we discussed the Annual Board Meeting that is currently planned for March 1st at the nearby church.  Due to the Covid-19 pandemic it was discussed to possibly hold this meeting outdoors in a cul-de-sac in Tuscany instead of inside an enclosed building to better insure social distancing, but a final decision had not been made.
  1. Stephen raised a point about choosing a cul-de-sac in Tuscany and concerns that may arise for the homeowners residing there.
  2. Sandra suggested, due to the pandemic Executive/Emergency Orders which permit condos and HOA’s to postpone their annual meetings not in accordance with their bylaws.
  1. A main reason why the annual meeting notice/letter was sent prior to the meeting to let homeowners know who was running for re-election to the Board and to determine how many open Board positions exist and who wants to volunteer.
  1. Sandra suggested postponing this meeting a month (to April) after the daylight savings time change and to see if Orange County lifts the Emergency Order and see if homeowners approve holding the meeting in a cul-de-sac and/or at the church to mark seating to enforce social distancing rules.
  1. Three open Board Member positions are anticipated to replace Jeanne, Monica and Larry – all interested homeowners are encouraged to contact any current board member to express your interest.  Stephen is unable to continue as the President, but agreed to being a board member.  Heather Peery volunteered to become a Board Member.
  2. Postponing the Annual Meeting until the evening of April 12, either at the Church or in a Tuscany cul-de-sac. Details to be determined.
  3. Discussion was held about filing new Board Members with the State of Florida by the May 1st deadline and it was decided that a delay will not be an issue.
  1. Front Porch Screen Enclosures – Larry brought up the fact that he had sent an email on November 9, 2020 about ARB requests he’d received from homeowners to enclose their front porches with screening.  All Board Members approved these.  It was never discussed at an actual Board Meeting and therefore was not in the Board Meeting Minutes.  Andrew made a motion and Stephen seconded it to approve front screen enclosures.  It was voted on and approved unanimously.
  2. Existing front entry, not to extend beyond the roof – with restrictions of brown or white.
  3. ARB Requests for these, and all other ARB requests, must be submitted for review and approval.
  4. Spring Community Yard Sale – Saturday 2/27, from 8am – 2pm.  Four or five homeowners mentioned wanting to do a yard sale to Sandra and Candi they wanted to hold one.   The large entry banner and small sign for Victoria Way at the pond would be retrieved from the storage locker.
  5. Stephen will donate a new tub for Christmas decorations to Tuscany for the front entry, the lights are old and many are not working.  Most of those were past donations from residents.

This meeting was adjourned at 8:01 PM.

NEXT MEETING: Monday, 03/08/2021 at 7:00 PM Virtual Skype Look for Link from Stephen, the front entry Announcement Board and Facebook.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Pastor, Secretary

The mission of the Tuscany Homeowners Association is: To institute and enforce rules, regulations and legal restrictions designed to ensure that the Tuscany neighborhood is a safe, attractive and desirable community where property values and resident satisfaction are maximized.