Board Meeting Minutes from September 14, 2020

Tuscany HOA Monthly Board Meeting
September 14, 2020

(via Skype call-in virtual meeting)

Board Member Attendees: Stephen Jones, Mike Pastor, Monica Lepp, Randy Mears, Jeanne Yazinski, Andy Horne, Larry Ort

Resident Attendees: Dexter Blois, Sandra Wilt


  1. Meeting called to order by Stephen Jones, President, at 7:11pm (this meeting is being recorded to aid in preparing meeting minutes)
  2. August 3rd Board Meeting Minutes by Mike Pastor
    1. Stephen made motion to accept/approve the minutes & Jeanne 2nd the motion.  Approval was unanimous. 
  3. Treasurer’s report presented by Monica Lepp. 
    1. Checking Account balance: $13,011.04 (Aug. month end), previously $16,769.66
    2. Savings Account balance:   $45,511.48 (Aug. month end), previously $45,509.96
    3. Water systems irrigation repair service invoices that were being emailed to us were going to Monica’s junk or deleted mail folder.  Six of those were for new invoices that had to be paid. 
    4. Irrigation & Well Expenses is now over budget by $1,348.15 due to one of those invoices for $1,344.90 for a major irrigation repair (board members were notified and agreed it needed to be done) and Mulch & Tree Trimming over budget by $1,650 due to the $2,400 tree removal and related work discussed last month.  Wall Repair is over budget by $800 for repairs the beginning of the year.  The last time dues were increased was to build up a reserve fund for expected wall repairs.  The end of each year recently we have moved $3,000 from Checking to Savings for this wall reserve.  This year, since we had actual wall repair expenses, we will not move that $3,000 to savings since those actual repairs were paid and funded without the need to move any money from the reserves for that.
    5. Larry stated, “that there are significant issues with H.O.A. irrigation piping that runs along the wall and on homeowners’ property along the hedge line that develop leaks and really needs to be replaced”.
    6. Jeanne made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report.  It was seconded by Stephen and it was approved unanimously.
  4. ARB Review - Larry Ort, Community Oversight Committee 
    1. Jeanne resumed the discussion regarding irrigation system repairs and suggested that major repairs that need to be done should be estimated and be put in the new budget for 2021.  Larry interjected that the irrigation system is now shut off since another major leak was detected.  When the rainy season ends, we will need to turn it back on.  A community newsletter is being drafted to notify all homeowners about the condition and repairs/expenses that are anticipated.  The actual supply pipe along the wall keeps getting damaged by tree roots and along the hedge line keeps failing and needs to be replaced and put on the common HOA property.  Our service provider has estimated it will cost $230 for them to dig and discover what needs to be done and prepare a detailed proposal.  Our lawncare company never parks along Fullers Cross Rd, they park on Victoria Way inside Tuscany, but other workers do that cause damage to heads and pipe.
    2. August Non-Violation notices issued for two Malcolm Point to pressure wash driveways and sidewalks.
    3. Two previously issued Non-Violations were completed in August (one to cut tree limbs over Victoria Way and a fence needing repair on Cashiers is in process of getting replaced).
    4. Lawn of the Month awarded to 1528 Cashiers.
    5. ARB Requests were received to paint shutters, replace a roof shingles and to cut a small dead tree which were all approved.
    6. Notification received on 08/01/20 regarding an HOA irrigation leak on a homeowner’s lot which was repaired.
    7. Landscape company was notified several times about front entry bed weeds, but due to the frequent rains the treatment keeps getting washed away, but they will be contacted again.
  5. Old Business 
    1. Tuscany Directory distribution was completed a couple weeks ago.  The directory was also posted on our neighborhood Facebook page, since it is a closed/private page only for homeowners. Leftovers (10 or 11) are being saved for home sale/new residents.
    2. Irrigation – discussed already as part of the Treasurer’s report and Larry’s Community Oversight Community report.
    3. Storage unit visit is still needed to put new files away and get the neighborhood yard sale sign(s).
    4. Tuscany Yard Sale in October 10th (if raining, then on 17th) – discussion was held about any Covid-19 concerns.  If any residents are concerned, they can choose to not participate.  County mandates for everyone to wear face covering still in effect and privately held yard sale shoppers have been seen wearing face masks. (Original discussions regarded a 2-day event, however after this meeting, it was realized/ remembered that in the past it was only a 1-day (Saturday Only) event.
    5. Landscaping concerns were expressed by Sandra and she suggested she and Larry meet with Ivan to discuss expectations and the need for him oversee/inspect actual performance.  Marcos, the new manager, should also participate.  If improvements are not made, we will need to look for another provider.  Larry will contact Ivan to meet to discuss expectations, the contract, and major points of concern.
  6. New Business
    1. Concerns expressed about unkempt yard, fence and other concerns for 1504 Victoria Way.
    2. Luminaries – Want to continue this tradition regardless of the Covid pandemic, just take the social distancing practices.
    3. Sidewalk cleaning - can we assist with options for homeowners. 
      1. Red Shoes – Kenny.  Larry will ask if he’ll give a price per square foot so prices can easily adjust for corner lots, longer driveways, etc.
      2. City of Winter Garden needs to be reminded to pressure wash the sidewalk along Fullers Cross Rd and the driveway to the sewer lift station behind Kent & Donna’s house.
  7. Neighborhood notifications via Facebook (Jeanne) and e-mail (Stephen) will also be used to communicate (to expand our ability to reach more homeowners)
  1.   Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:12 PM. 

NEXT MEETING: Monday, 10/05/2020 at 7:00 PM Virtual Skype Look for Link from Stephen, the front entry Announcement Board and Facebook.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Pastor, Secretary

The mission of the Tuscany Homeowners Association is: To institute and enforce rules, regulations and legal restrictions designed to ensure that the Tuscany neighborhood is a safe, attractive and desirable community where property values and resident satisfaction are maximized.