Board Meeting Minutes from August 3, 2020

Tuscany HOA Monthly Board Meeting

August 3, 2020
(via Skype call-in virtual meeting)

Board Member Attendees: Stephen Jones, Mike Pastor, Monica Lepp, Randy Mears, Jeanne Yazinski, Andy Horne, Larry Ort

Resident Attendees: Dexter Blois




  1. Meeting called to order by Stephen Jones, President, at 7:16pm
  2. June 17th Board Meeting Minutes with everyone's correction
    1. Mike Pastor moved for their approval, Andy 2nd the motion. Approval was unanimous. 
  3. Treasurer's report presented by Monica Lepp.
    1. Checking Account balance: $16,769.66
    2. Savings Account balance: $45,509.96
    3. $2,400 was spent for tree removal to be spent from Mulch & Tree Trimming and Landscape Other and still ended up $932 over budget, but it was voted on and HAD to be done.
    4. Tuscany Directories are getting picked up today by Sandra. Actual cost is $109, which is under budget by $351.
    5. Everything else was routine and normal recurring expenses.
    6. Throughout the meeting expanded discussions were held about the budgeting process, how often the annual dues have increased, we always want to refrain from making changes as long as possible (especially now considering the pandemic and jobs scenario). In the past, dues increased every 5 to 7 years and only by $25, per year, or so.
    7. Jeanne moved to approve the treasurer's report. It was 2nd by Mike.
  4. Larry Ort  Community Oversight Committee
    1. JUNE  Neighborhood walked by Heather Peery & Larry Ort.
      1. Non Violation (Written Requests Issued)
        1. Five homes needed to pressure wash driveway and sidewalk
        2. One home needed to mow & edge
      2. Previous Non Violations
        1. One home needed to repair or replace wooden fence. Not completed, issued a 2nd request.
        2. One home needed to pressure wash their driveway and sidewalk. Not completed, issued a 2nd request.
        3. One home needed to mow their lawn and trim the palm fronds. COMPLETED.
      3. Lawn of the Month was presented to 1648 Victoria Way.
      4. ARB Requests received and approved:
        1. Two homeowners: Tree removal in front yard.
        2. One homeowner: Replace existing fence.
        3. Three homeowners: Replace roof shingles.
      5. General problems, requests and corrective actions taken:
        1. 6-01-2020 Follow-up of 5-11-2020 problem of H.O.A. common area hedges growing into a homeowner's fence. On 6-15-2020, the hedges were cut back by Ivan. COMPLETED
        2. 6-01-2020 Follow-up of 5-08-2020 problem regarding issues with H.O.A.'s irrigation system. Apparent electrical system problem. Irrigation Specialist came and attempted to troubleshoot potential problem and they requested their well contractor come and troubleshoot. On 6-29-2020 Larry called Irrigation Specialists for a status update. On 6-30-2020, STILL PENDING.
        3. 6-03-2020 House at corner of Victoria Way & Thornbury Ct lawn was not being maintained. Larry contacted the listing real estate agent. Was told the house had sold. He then contacted the buyer's agent. Received text messages from the buyer. They will have it mowed and maintained until they move in. COMPLETED
        4. 06-02-2020 The homeowner at 1648 Victoria Way advised Larry that water backs up during heavy rains on their lawn from the 8+ acre wooded horse farm behind them. The homeowners had been informed there is a drain in the area. Larry discovered a drain in the yard at 1656 Victoria Way. Dale Kelly and Larry inspected that drain and it was open and working properly. Larry then spoke with Mr. Wright, owner of the 8+acre wooded parcel with the horses and he said he was attempting to improve water drainage. COMPLETED
        5. 06-08-2020 The homeowner at 1654 Malcolm Pt requested H.O.A. have a dead pine tree removed adjacent to their property by the pond for safety reasons.
          1. 6-11-2020 Larry met with Jerry Vest from Hill's Tree Service for an estimate. The cost to cut down 1 large pine tree, trim 3 medium pines and trim 1 palm was $2,400.
          2. 6-17-2020 The board members agreed this had to be done to avoid property damage and approved this expenditure.
          3. 6-30-2020 Hills Tree Service inadvertently cut down the wrong tree.
          4. 7-01-2020 Cory Hill assured Larry they would cut down the correct tree the following week. STILL PENDING
        6. 6-12-2020 Larry inspected around the pond and found many low tree limbs. Larry removed all low branches and discarded them. COMPLETED


  1. JULY  Neighborhood walked by Larry Ort.
    1. Non Violation (written request issued)
      1. One home on Victoria Way cut low tree limbs over sidewalk & street
    2. Previous Non Violations
      1. Six prior written requests to pressure wash driveway & sidewalk were all completed
      2. Prior written request to mow & edge lawn was completed
      3. Prior 2nd written request to repair or replace fence homeowner has scheduled a replacement
    3. Lawn of the Month - presented to 1530 Cashiers Dr.
    4. ARB requests received & approved:
      1. Three homeowners: Replace roof shingles.
    5. General problems, requests and corrective actions taken:
      1. 07-01-2020 Follow up of initial complaint on 5-08-2020 Apparent electrical problem with neighborhood's irrigation system.
        1. 7-06-2020 Follow-up: Larry called Marsha David said she sent e-mail on 7-01-2020 with estimate. Larry never received it
        2. 7-06-2020 Estimate e-mail was received and forwarded to Stephen to forward to all H.O.A. Board Members for feedback/approval.
        3. Their estimate for $1,344.90 includes: replace 5 hp control box, pressure switch, pressure gauge, install new pump start contactor and test system for proper operation.
        4. 7-08-2020 All board members approved, and Larry called and e-mailed Marsha to proceed with the repair. COMPLETED
      2. Follow-Up of concern expressed on 06-08-2020 by the homeowner at 1654 Malcolm Pt regarding removing a dead pine tree on H.O.A. property for safety reasons.
        1. As indicated above (in the June recap), the wrong tree was removed on 6-30-2020.
        2. On 7-01-2020, Cory agreed they would cut down the correct tree on Wednesday 7-05-2020.
        3. 7-17-2020 the correct tree was cut down and the stump was ground away. The invoice for this entire job was sent to Monica for payment. COMPLETED
      3. 7-21-2020  Mark from Water Systems Irrigation Specialists called Larry about some issues discovered during their monthly inspection.
        1. Broken pipe between Fuller Cross Rd and our sidewalk.
        2. A couple damaged sprinklers between Fuller Cross Rd and our sidewalk.
        3. A few inoperative sprinklers along the hedge row along Fullers Cross Rd.
        4. A sprinkler valve electrical issue.
        5. Larry authorized Mark to do the repairs as necessary. COMPLETED
      4. 7-27-2020  Sandra texted Larry stating she advised Imperial Landscaping of weeds in the entry flower beds.
        1. 7-28-2020 Larry texted Ivan to review weed issues in all of Tuscany's common area beds.
        2. 7-28-2020 Ivan called Larry to state he sprayed on 7-27-2020, however the rain could affect the results and he'll re-spray on 7-30-2020, if necessary. COMPLETED
      5. Mulching $400 for material (labor already included in fees we are paying). Need money in budget for it next year. This is the 2nd year we haven't put new mulch in. The board discussed this and agreed to hold off until the end of 2020 to see if we have budgeted funds left over or to put it in the budget for 2021 or even consider another county funded grant.
      6. 7-28-2020  Larry requested Ivan (Imperial Landscaping) prepare a proposal to re-landscape the front entrance so we can plan for it and include that in the 2021 budget. STILL PENDING
      7. 7-28-2020  Larry noticed a section of broken tree limbs in one of the islands adjacent to Fullers Cross Rd. He removed the broken branches, cut them up and placed them along the road for pick up. COMPLETED
  2. WOW  A busy 2 months  THANK YOU LARRY!!!


    1. Covenants Filing Update
      1. The lawyer has sent us "proof of filing."
      2. Keep it in HOA Storage Unit files
      3. Give a copy to Monica to keep in the Treasurer's files
      4. Scan it to keep electronically
    2. Neighborhood Yard Sale??
      1. Masks and Social Distancing
      2. Large Banner (8am to 2pm) in the storage unit
      3. Maybe the first weekend in October 10th (if rains, set a rain date: 10/17)
    3. Tuscany Directory
      1. Printed, getting picked up
      2. Tentatively hand deliver in plastic bags to front doors
    4. E-Mail
      1. Access credentials  Monica has them and checks for property sales related paperwork, residents sometimes send ARB Requests and they're forwarded, state renewals, etc.
      2. Stephen to get credentials, too
      3. Have we ever sent neighborhood wide (friendly reminders, pressure washing season, etc.). Haven't in the past, but we can plan for it considering e-mail addresses frequently change.
    5. Website
      1. Dexter to provide credential to Stephen for a back-up access
    6. Facebook (Tuscany Neighborhood)
      1. Jeanne volunteered to keep Tuscany FB Page updated
      2. Private group  Only accept homeowners, significant others (no children residents)
      3. A recent facebook post for a treasurer statement of dues status appeared. These must be requested in print (USPS mail) or electronically (e-mail:
    7. Variance & waiver forms
      1. Shed maximum height of 12 inches above the fence line
    8. Virtual Meeting Platforms (discussion touched on the following platforms)
      1. WebEx
      2. Zoom
      3. Skype  will use this ongoing, if/until free accounts disappear
      4. Google Meet (gmail account)
      5. Microsoft Teams
    9. Yard waste  Keep off street, ideally put out Wednesdays for Thursday pick-up
    10. Mid-July an e-mail was received requesting a budget and a demand for $1,500 to be overnighted for web hosting from a scam phishing e-mail to send payment to Texas.
      1. Monica reported this to W.G. Police non-emergency
  2. A resident inquired about a utility service truck parked on the street in a cul-de-sac. Since our streets are public city streets refer the resident to contact the city or the utility company. This is not enforceable by the HOA.
  3. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.


<>8.NEXT MEETING: Monday, 09/14/2020 at 7:00 PM Virtual Skype Look for Link from Stephen, the front entry Announcement Board and Facebook.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Pastor, Secretary

The mission of the Tuscany Homeowners Association is: To institute and enforce rules, regulations and legal restrictions designed to ensure that the Tuscany neighborhood is a safe, attractive and desirable community where property values and resident satisfaction are maximized.