Board Meeting Minutes from June 17, 2020

Tuscany HOA Monthly Board Meeting
June 17, 2020

(via Webex call-in virtual meeting)

Board Member Attendees: Stephen Jones, Jeanne Yazinski, Randy Mears, Monica Lepp, Andy Horne, Mike Pastor, Larry Ort

Resident Attendees: none

  1. Meeting called to order by Stephen Jones, President, at 7:09pm
  2. June 8th Special Board Meeting Minutes for the Preservation of Covenants (renewal)
    1. Mike Pastor moved for their approval, Stephen 2nd the motion. Approval was unanimous. 
  3. Treasurer's report presented by Monica Lepp.
    1. Checking Account balance: $19,369.35.
    2. Savings Account balance: $46,861.21 
    3. 1200 Thornbury estoppel fees ($150 per sale for 2 sales, collected in full)
      1. 1st sale: to Cash Now Holdings
      2. 2nd sale to new residents (Mark & Tammy Vincent)
      3. Lawn will be taken care of by son until new homeowners move in.
    4. All dues paid-none owing

Jeanne made motion to accept the Treasurer's Report, it was 2nd by Mike and was approved unanimously.

  1. ARB Review - Larry Ort, Community Oversight Committee    May Activity 
    1. Two Non-Violations issued 5-14
      1. on Cashiers: Wooden fence needs repair or replaced
      2. on Charlemange (both at same house):
        1. sidewalk/driveway needs pressure washing
        2. mow & trim palm fonds
    2. New Violations  NONE
    3. May Yard of the Month: 1654 Malcolm Pointe
    4. ARB Requests Received & Approved:
      1. On Malcolm Pointe-Replace Roof Shingles
      2. On Victoria Way-Install flag pole & flower bed
      3. On Charlemange: Repaint trim white
      4. On Victoria Way:
        1. Remove front porch railing
        2. Build & install front steps
        3. Install decking boards on front porch
        4. Paint South porch post, porch & steps
    5. Note received about common area front hedges growing into residents fences  Ivan, our landscaper, resolved these Monday 6/15.
    6. New irrigation contractor contacted Larry about a leakage issue. Larry asked them to inspect it, which they did on 5/29-results pending.
    7. Pond green algae reported and was taken care of.
    8. Notice was received that a HOA property's pine trees' branches & debris fell into an adjacent yard belonging to Rose & Dale. They expressed concern this tree may fall on their house. A tree service was contacted and they inspected and recommended that large pine tree be removed, its stump and roots be ground up and 3 other medium pines be cleaned up (dead branch removal) along with a medium palm that's near our entrance that needs to be cleaned up. Their quote for this work is $2,400. This is not something that is specifically budgeted for.
      1. We have $750 remaining in the budget for Tree Trimming
      2. We also have $717.35 remaining for Landscape Expense-Other
      3. Since we have funds in the accounts and usually carry a surplus over year-to-year, it was recommended by Jeanne, our former treasurer, that we do not anticipate any financial concerns if we proceed. Board approval is needed since this line item amount is not specifically budgeted.
      4. Jeanne made a motion to approve an additional $936 for this work to be done and Mike 2nd the motion. The board unanimously approved this necessary work be funded.
      5. Larry will contact the vendor to proceed.
  2. Preservations of Covenants completed 
    1. Documents were mailed to Paul on 6/12/20 


  1. Monica received a letter from Orange County's Neighborhood Services Division with an end of year report which includes Tuscany's new entry signs. The county allows neighborhoods to apply for grants every other year. Monica will scan and forward to Dexter.
  2. By-Laws--Jeanne cannot locate a copy to give Monica.
    1. Stephen has a copy and will scan it
    2. Needs to be sent to Dexter to post on Tuscany's website.
    3. We should check if board meetings are stated there to be certain weekday/frequency, etc.

Meeting adjourned at 7:33pm

NEXT HOA Board Meeting

  • No July Meeting
  • Next meeting scheduled for Monday, August 3rd at 7:00 PM

(likely to be a another virtual [call-in or Internet-Video conference] meeting due to the Covid-19 corona virus pandemic)

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Pastor, Secretary

The mission of the Tuscany Homeowners Association is: To institute and enforce rules, regulations and legal restrictions designed to ensure that the Tuscany neighborhood is a safe, attractive and desirable community where property values and resident satisfaction are maximized.