Board Meeting Minutes from January 6, 2020

Tuscany HOA Monthly Board Meeting

January 6, 2020

Call to order was made by Sandra Wilt at 6:35 p.m.


Board members in attendance: Sandra Wilt, Larry Ort, Jeanne Yazinski, Mike Pastor.  Monica Lepp joined the meeting at 7:00.

Community members in attendance: none

Treasurer's Report:    Jeanne Yazinski

The treasurer's report for the year of 2019 was presented with a checking balance of $23,062 and a savings balance of $45,502.

31 homeowners still owe dues of $13,513. Although due on January 1, there is no penalty added unless received after January 15. $4,000 was transferred from checking to savings.

Sandra Wilt moved to accept the report and Larry Ort offered a second. The acceptance was unanimous.

Community Oversight Committee Report: Larry Ort

No CC&R violations were issued during the month of December. Five of nine previous violations were corrected with 4 requests for driveway cleaning to be completed in January. Yard of the month for Christmas decorations went to Chris Zorn at 1673 Victoria Way.

ARB requests submitted were: 1677 Malcolm Point to replace driveway with pavers and 1571 Victoria Way to replace 3 sections of existing fence. Both were approved.

Larry gave an update regarding the entrance sign project. The city permits are finally issued and Dexter Blois is in touch with the vendor to hurry the project along. Larry is also undertaking an assessment of the condition of the entrance wall in that several sections are at risk of deteriorating in the near future. He will contact the vendor used for previous repair to examine options to ensure stability and safety of the wall.

New Business:

1. Board member recruitment update: Sandra Wilt indicated that possibly 3 residents are willing to serve on the HOA board. Confirmation will be sought so that information can be included in the notice of annual meeting which will be sent out by February 1, 2020.

2. Suggestion for purchase of an HOA owned and managed laptop computer was made by Jeanne Yazinski. She advised that the Quick Books program utilized by the treasurer is a large program taking lots of space on one's personal computer. Putting it and other records on a laptop would ensure that no treasurer would need to use their own equipment to effect HOA business. Larry Ort moved to accept the proposal with a spending limit of $500 and Mike Pastor seconded the motion. Jeanne further offered to stay on the board for one more year to train a new treasurer in training for the 2021 year term.

3. Notice of intent to place a lien will be sent to one delinquent resident with 15 days to pay all arrearages or the matter will be turned over to our attorney for lien filing.

4. A homeowner request for dues penalty and interest forgiveness due to a personal financial situation was presented for consideration. After checking with the HOA attorney and after discussion among members, it was determined that the fiduciary responsibility of the board requires that all provisions of the HOA by-laws be upheld without exception. Sandra Wilt will inform the resident of the board's decision.

There were no further matters before the board and the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Next meeting dateMonday, February 10, 2020, 6:30 PM at 1630 Victoria Way.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandra Wilt, Secretary Pro Tem

The mission of the Tuscany Homeowners Association is: To institute and enforce rules, regulations and legal restrictions designed to ensure that the Tuscany neighborhood is a safe, attractive and desirable community where property values and resident satisfaction are maximized.