Board Meeting Minutes from May 13, 2019

Tuscany HOA Monthly Board Meeting

May 13, 2019

Call to Order was made by Sandra Wilt at 6:34 p.m. The meeting was attended by board members Jeanne Yazinski, Monica Lepp, Mike Pastor, and Andrew Horne.

Also in attendance were residents Tara Kapp, Heather Peery and Terry Oubre.

Treasurer's Report Jeanne Yazinski gave a treasurer's report which shows:

Current checking balance: $21,168.52

Current savings balance: $41,487.04

Dues owed by 2 residents: $1,775.23
(Both residents are billed and the balances accrue interest every month)

Community Oversight Committee Report: Heather Peery reported that there are no new CC&R violations. She signed off on one previous violation that has shown significant improvement. The Zuk Family was awarded Tuscany Yard of the Month at 1627 Charlemagne Court. Sandra Wilt added that one new ARB form submitted by Jen Colchado for paint colors was submitted and approved.

Resident Complaints:
Resident Terry Oubre was in attendance to bring up two matters that she took issue with. She asked to speak at this point in the meeting and stated that she was going to bring up the issue of Board Member Certifications, but saw that it was listed on the meeting agenda so she wouldn't speak much on it. Jeanne Yazinski mentioned that the board is still inside the required window of 60 days from the date of election or appointment to fulfil that requirement. Later on in the conversation, Terry Oubre stated that it was the law and mentioned Florida Statute 720.3033. (Let the record reflect that this statute actually states that required time period is actually within 90 days of election or appointment to the board.)

Terry Oubre brought up a second matter and complained that the required posting for April's meeting date (April 8, 2019) was not posted 48 hours in advance of the meeting and stated that it should not have taken place because of this. She demanded that the April meeting and accompanying minutes of such be declared null and void and withdrawn from the website. Sandra once again acknowledged the mistake. Terry also insisted that any business discussed at the April meeting should not count and that the meeting minutes should be wiped from the record. Sandra agreed to her request.

April Meeting Minutes:
Jeanne Yazinski put into motion that the April meeting minutes be scratched from the record. Andrew Horne seconded and it was carried unanimously.

The matters of Board business which were considered at the April meeting were restated and voted upon as follows:

April Treasurers Report:
Jeanne Yazinski moved into motion that the April Treasurer's Report be accepted which stated the following:

Checking balance: $22,980.58

Savings balance: $41,487.04

Dues owed by 2 residents: $1,743.39

Andrew Horne seconded and it was carried unanimously.

Increase of Estoppel Fees:

Jeanne Yazinski moved into motion that the Estoppel Fees (which were discussed at the April meeting) be increased from $100 to $150. Andrew Horne seconded and it was carried unanimously.

Vote to move forward with the Grant for the Front Entrance:

Jeanne Yazinski moved into motion that the Board approve moving forward with the grant application for Orange County (that Dexter Blois has been working on and gave a detailed report about in the April meeting). Andrew Horne seconded and it was carried unanimously.

Open Discussion:

Sandra Wilt mentioned that it looks like Tuscany is going to be awarded the grant from Orange County to upgrade our community entrance. The application still has to go before the county commission, but Sandra has been contacted to schedule herself and Larry Ort to attend a mandatory meeting that goes over the rules. The application will provide the funds for a second sign and a light at the front entrance. It is expected that Tuscany will be getting the new sign sometime this summer.

Sandra Wilt also mentioned that Donna Horsley has requested that if the Agapanthus at the front entrance needs to be thinned (an issue discussed at previous meetings) that she would like to take on that responsibility so the plants, which when added were expensive, are not get harmed. Everyone agreed that this was okay and that Donna would be invited to take on that task when the time comes.

It was agreed by all that there would be no June meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:51pm

Next meeting dateMonday, July 1, 2019 at 1630 Victoria Way.

Respectfully submitted,

Monica Lepp, Secretary


The mission of the Tuscany Homeowners Association is: To institute and enforce rules, regulations and legal restrictions designed to ensure that the Tuscany neighborhood is a safe, attractive and desirable community where property values and resident satisfaction are maximized.