Board Meeting Minutes from September 21, 2015

Tuscany HOA Board Meeting

Monday, September 21, 2015

Meeting was called to order at 6:48 PM

Attendees: Rick Uhlman, Lori Jones, Robert Walker, Donna Horsley, Mike Pastor

Absent: Sandra Wilt (away on vacation)

Old Business

  1. Mike, Secretary, Minutes - August Meeting Minutes were approved and accepted as posted.
  2. Lori Treasurer's Report - Transferred $7,000 from Savings to Checking account. Standard printed reports were unavailable at this meeting.
  3. Robert Walker - ARB Report
    1. Received an ARB Request for an aluminum back porch.  HOA Board voted to deny as it would not comply with CC&Rs
    2. Commercial and non-operable motor vehicles violations discussed and notification
    3. Establish a Fine Enforcement Board - efforts need to move forward.
    4. Pressure washing efforts continue to take place throughout the neighborhood
  4. Rick Security Camera System Report
    1. Received 3 quotes.
      1. Surveillance Plus: $9800
      2. Guardian: $5576
      3. Security Center Networks LLC: $4399
    2. A License Plate reader/camera will cost at least $20,000 in addition to the cost quotes indicated above.
  5. Donna Horsley - Landscape Report
    1. Electrical repairs - The electrician will
      1. Fix lights on wall - requires a new photoelectric cell
      2. TUSCANY Sign lights will be fixed
      3. A lighting contractor is needed to repair the Pond Lights
  6. Front Carriage Light is broken
    1. Will cost $200 to $300 to repair/replace
  7. Diane Johnson - Tuscany Picnic in the Park will be
    1. Sunday, Nov 1st from 2:00 to 5:00 PM at Chapin Station
    2. Sandra rented the Pavillion
  8. 2-Signatures for H.O.A. Checking Account

New Business

  1. Commercial Vehicles parked on streets
  2. Upcoming Events
  3. Yard of the Month - Judy Brooks Sept/Oct.
  4. Open to the Floor - Lawn guys coming this Saturday

Next Board Meeting

Monday, October 19, 2015 at Sandra Wilt's home at 1630 Victoria Way at 6:30 PM

Meeting Adjourned:   8:22 PM

The mission of the Tuscany Homeowners Association is: To institute and enforce rules, regulations and legal restrictions designed to ensure that the Tuscany neighborhood is a safe, attractive and desirable community where property values and resident satisfaction are maximized.