Board Meeting Minutes from April 20, 2015

Tuscany HOA

March Board Meeting 04-20-2015

Meeting was called to order 6:36 p.m. at the home of Sandra Wilt (1630 Victoria Way)

In Attendance Were: Sandra Wilt, Rick Uhlman, Lori Jones, Mike Pastor, Donna & Kent Horsley, Robert Walker, Dexter & Susan Blois, Jack Curall

Minutes of 3-01-2015 meeting were not unavailable. They were completed and distributed on 4-02-2015.

Treasurer's report presented and approved

  • Checking account balance $17,485.05
  • Expenses included Attorney's fee of $1540, Electric Bill, Storage Rental and office supplies (all budgeted for)
  • Indicated another roll of stamps needed. Mike agreed to buy them.
  • A personal liability insurance quote of $800 was received. A motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously to look specifically for Surety or Fidelity Bond coverage/policy.
  • A second required signature will be added to H.O.A. checking account to greatly reduce risk of unauthorized expenditures.
  • Past due home owners notices would be incorporated into the CC&R Violations Notice letters.

Landscape Report:

  • New flowers to be purchased/planted at front entrance
  • Lighting/electrical needs/assessment to be addressed next week

Old Business:

  1. CC&R (Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions) Update status report: The amendments to address Sheds, Rentals and Recreational vehicles were reviewed and would be voted on at the May Board Meeting
  2. Yard of the Month nominees were discussed
  3. Front Entrance Wall:  Sandra met with another wall repair service provider (McAllister) who estimated the repairs could be accomplished for $8,500 and would be guaranteed for five years. A motion was made and seconded to hire McAllister to make the necessary repairs. (This quote compares to others ranging from $22,000 to $32,000, or more).
  4. ARB Requests and approval process was discussed and agreed that Robert (ARB Chairman) would notify Mike (Secretary) when requests are approved so Mike will know when to send approval letters.

New Business:

  1. Plans for the Neighborhood Picnic scheduled April 25th in the High Hampton cul-de-sac were discussed.

Next Board MeetingThursday, May 21st at 6:30 PM at Sandra Wilt's home (1630 Victoria Way)  All homeowners are welcome to attend.

Meeting adjourned at 7:52 PM


The mission of the Tuscany Homeowners Association is: To institute and enforce rules, regulations and legal restrictions designed to ensure that the Tuscany neighborhood is a safe, attractive and desirable community where property values and resident satisfaction are maximized.