Board Meeting Minutes from February 12, 2014

Tuscany HOA Board Meeting

February 12, 2014


February 12, 2014 @ 7:38 pm, Call to Order

Attendance: Byron Dey, Lori Jones, Dale Belt, Robert Walker

Treasurers report presented by Lori Jones.

  • 9 Households delinquent on payment of dues
  • Letters to be sent on 2/13 by Lori Jones

Dale Belt presented the status of the grounds committee.

  • Annual meeting set for 3/3 at 7:00 pm
  • The wall was checked by a brick mason and it was determined that there is no immediate threat of collapse to the structure. There are two possibilities for repairs in the future when necessary.
  1. Cut only the sections where the trees are lifting the wall and install control joints. This is less expensive, but not a permanent solution.
  2. Retain the services of a arborist and an engineer to rebuild the wall and install steel plates to prevent the roots from growing under the wall in the future. The arborist would be able to determine what roots can be cut without killing or weakening the tree.
  • The electrical panels have had four common keyed locks installed to prevent unauthorized access.

Lawn and shrub service quotes were obtained by Dexter Blois and presented to the board for review. Massey was determined to have the lowest cost for an established company with licensing and insurance in place. A motion to accept the bid from Massey was made by Lori Jones and seconded by Robert Walker. Motion passed unanimously.

Robert Walker had no ARB requests.

Lori Jones presented a question about the fence in her back yard being unsafe and collapsing, with nails protruding. One of her dogs had to get stitches from the nails in the fence. It was determined that the safety of the fence would be best addressed by the city building inspectors. If Lori had no positive response from the city, then the board would write a letter of CC&R violation notification.

Lori was also to write WRI Management about a dead tree in their back yard. WRI had been informed in the letter requesting dues and they have paid their 2014 HOA dues, but no progress was made on the tree. A separate letter, Certified and Return Receipt Requested was to be sent to them informing them of the issue. If this is not followed up by the following meeting of the new HOA board, then a letter of violation was to be sent.

Byron Dey was to create an agenda and send it to all board members prior to the annual meeting for their review.

Annual Meeting at Cornerstone Community Church on March 3rd 2014 @ 7:00 pm

Future business to be followed up by the next board includes:

  1. Review and updating of Tuscany CC&R's
  2. Cost of replacing the wall to determine the amount of funds to have on hand
  3. Installation of a security system

Meeting was adjourned at 8:14 pm